· Exhibiting in various online forums and art shows since 2008


● Color Field Paintings, Boxing Bear, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 2014

● Cascade at Coleman Gallery Contemporary Art, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 2005

● Ind’n Times at Coleman Gallery Contemporary Art, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 2004

● Spirit Bird Paintings at Coleman Gallery Contemporary Art, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 2003

● Annie Nash at Nesto Gallery, Milton, Massachusetts; April 2002

● Produce and Wax at Coleman Gallery Contemporary Art, Albuquerque, New Mexico; April 2001

● Keeping Fire at John Jay Gallery, New York City; June 1999

● Annie Nash at Musenhof Poppendorf, Rostock, Germany; July 6 - September 14, 1995

● Annie Nash at The Center for Photography at Woodstock, Woodstock, New York; March 11 - May 7, 1995

● A New Iconography: Kachina, Goddesses, and Saints at Big Bar, NYC; June 1-27, 1992

● Diversities at Macy Art Gallery, Columbia University, NYC, NY; March 1986


● 30th Anniversary Art Show, Corrales Bosque Gallery, Summer 2024

● 20th Anniversary Exhibition, Corrales Bosque Gallery, Summer 2015

● A Painting A Day, International online exhibition, January 2014

● International small-group web exhibitions with artists from Europe, Asia, and the United States, 2012 - 2013

● Emerging Creatives at Creative Albuquerque: October - December 2011

● Coleman Contemporary, Albuquerque, New Mexico: Fall 2008

● Coleman Contemporary, Albuquerque, New Mexico: Fall 2007

● Coleman Contemporary, Albuquerque, New Mexico: Fall 2006

● Gallery Artists at Coleman Contemporary, Albuquerque, New Mexico: Winter 2005

● Gallery Artists at Coleman Contemporary, Albuquerque, New Mexico: Summer 2004

● BIG at Coleman Contemporary, Albuquerque, New Mexico: January 2004

● Gallery Artists at Contemporary, Albuquerque, New Mexico: Summer 2003

● Gallery Artists at Contemporary, Albuquerque, New Mexico: Summer 2002

● 16"x16" at Coleman Gallery Contemporary Art, Albuquerque, New Mexico: December 2001

● Fourteenth Annual Lawrence Indian Arts Show at The University of Kansas Museum of Anthropology, Lawrence, KS: 2002

● Thirteenth Annual Lawrence Indian Arts Show at The University of Kansas Museum of Anthropology, Lawrence, KS: 2001

● Gallery Artists at Coleman Gallery Contemporary Art, Albuquerque, New Mexico: June-July 2001

● Twelfth Annual Lawrence Indian Arts Show at The University of Kansas Museum of Anthropology, Lawrence, KS: 2000

● Gallery Artists at Coleman Gallery Contemporary Art, Albuquerque, New Mexico: June-July 2000

● Eleventh Annual Lawrence Indian Arts Show at The University of Kansas Museum of Anthropology, Lawrence, KS: 1999

● The Heart of the Beast at Coleman Gallery Contemporary Art, Albuquerque, N.M.: Spring 1999

● Gallery Artists at Coleman Gallery Contemporary Art, Albuquerque, New Mexico: Winter 1998

● In the Moment: Act and Abstraction at Coleman Gallery Contemporary Art, Albuquerque, New Mexico: Fall 1998

● Americas 2000 at Northwest Art Center, Minot State University; Linda Weintraub, curator: August 20 - September 30, 1997

● Ninth Annual Lawrence Indian Arts Show at The University of Kansas Museum of Anthropology, Lawrence, KS: 1997

● Eighth Annual Lawrence Indian Arts Show at The University of Kansas Museum of Anthropology, Lawrence, KS: 1996

● National Congress of Art and Design, Showroom Division, at National Congress of Art and Design, Salt Lake City, Utah: September 2 - November 11, 1995

● Native American Art Show at The Trailside Museum, Crawford, Nebraska: August 15 - September 30, 1995

● Red Cloud Indian Art Show at Heritage Center, Pine Ridge, South Dakota: 1995

● Sixth Annual Lawrence Indian Arts Show at The University of Kansas Museum of Anthropology, 1994

● 25th Art Competition at Cheyenne Artists' Guild, WY; 1994: Second Place Award, Mixed Media

● Vision Southwest at The Prescott Fine Arts Association Gallery, Prescott, Arizona: 1994

● Urban American Indian Art Exposition at Southwest Museum, Los Angeles, CA; May 21 - July 30, 1994: Honorable Mention Award, Fine Arts Category

● Annie Nash and Carlos Salgado at Coleman Gallery Contemporary Art, Albuquerque, New Mexico: September 16 - December 3, 1994

● Spirituality and Religiosity in America: The Artists' Perspective, 8th Street Gallery, Albuquerque, NM: April 30 - June 5, 1994

● Confluence 1994, Hill County Arts Foundation, Ingram, Texas: April 3 - May 15, 1994

● CAJE '94: America's Cultural Diversity, Center of Contemporary Arts, Saint Louis, MO: March 25 - April 30, 1994

● New Directions in the 90s, Hello Artichoke, Los Angeles, CA: March 4 - March 27, 1994; Maurice Tuchman, Sr. Curator, L.A. County Art Museum, Juror

● 23rd National Small Painting Exhibit, New Mexico Art League, Albuquerque, New Mexico: February 1 - February 27, 1994

● The Gathering Medicine Show, Women's Caucus for the Arts, NYC, January 15 - March 15, 1994; travels thereafter

● 49th National Juried Art Show, Colorado Springs Art Guild, Colorado Springs, Colorado, January 10 - February 27, 1994

● The Center for Photography at Woodstock Benefit Auction at Town Hall, Woodstock, NY: October 9, 1993. Auctioneer: Barbara Stronin, Christie's, NYC

● Route 66 Revisited Exhibit at Red Mesa Arts Center, Gallup, NM; Kimo Theatre, Albuquerque, NM; Flat Iron Gallery, Chicago, IL; Illinois State Museum, Springfield, IL, September 10, 1993 - June 30, 1994

● Fifth Annual Lawrence Indian Arts Show at The University of Kansas Museum of Anthropology, Lawrence, KS: September 11 - October 24, 1993

● Native American Art Show at The Trailside Museum, Crawford, Nebraska: August 15 - September 30, 1993

● Sun, Moon, & Stars at Seebeck Gallery, Kenosha, WI, July 17 - August 29, 1993

● Single Impressions at Galeria Mesa, Mesa, Arizona: June 22 - July 24, 1993

● Vision: Southwest at The Prescott Fine Arts Association Gallery, Prescott, Arizona: June 11 - July 18, 1993

● Red Cloud Indian Art Show at Heritage Center, Pine Ridge, South Dakota: 1993

● National '93 Small Works Exhibition at Schoharie County Arts Council, Cobleskill, NY: 1993

● 2nd Annual Urban American Indian Art Exposition at the Southwest Museum, Los Angeles, CA: May 1993

● Confluence: The 21st Annual National Juried Painting and Sculpture Exhibition at Hill County Arts Foundation, Ingram, Texas: April 4 - May 16, 1993

● Women in Art: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow at Oakland Community College, Orchard Ridge Campus, Farmington Hills, MI: March 4 - March 29, 1993

● Cimarron National Works on Paper Exhibition at Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK: March 1 - 24, 1993

● Seventh Parkside National Small Print Exhibition at Communication Arts Gallery, University of Wisconsin, Kenosha, WI: January 17 - February 27, 1993

● Works On Paper: Drawings, Prints, and Collage at Warren Street Gallery, Hudson, New York; December 26, 1992 - January 31, 1993

● Route 66 Revisited at Flat Iron Gallery, Chicago, IL: December 4, 1992 - January 30, 1993; Red Mesa Art Center, Gallup, NM; September 10, 1992 - November 15, 1992

● Heritage at Belle Levine Art Center, Mahopac, New York: November 9 - December 6, 1992

● Showcase '92 at Cascade Plaza, Beaverton, Oregon; October 24 - November 21, 1992

● After Columbus Landed at San Francisco State University; October 1 - October 30, 1992

● Mythologies at Bell Caffe, New York City; July 1992

● Urban American Indian Art Exposition at Southwest Museum, Los Angeles, CA; July 15 - August 30, 1992: Honorable Mention, Fine Arts Category

● Negative Space at Manhattan Graphics Center, New York City; May 1992

● Bookworks at Galeria Mesa, Mesa, Arizona; June 16 - July 18, 1992

● Selections '92 at The Philadelphia Print Club, Penn; March 20 - May 1, 1992

● LOVE/HOPE at The Bell Caffe, New York City; Second Annual group exhibition and silent auction to benefit AIDS research; February 14 - March 15, 1992

● Choice at A.I.R. Gallery, New York; December 10, 1991 - January 4, 1992

● Open House Exhibition at Center for Book Arts, New York City; December 1988 - 1991

● Queer Books at Chatham Public Library, Chatham, N.Y.: September 30 - October 28, 1991

● Salon del Bell at The Bell Caffe, New York City; August 5 - September 8, 1991

● War and Peace at Center for Book Arts, New York City; Summer 1991

● Economy of Space: Books Under Four Inches at Center for Book Arts, New York City; March 23 - April 30, 1991

● LOVE/HOPE at The Bell Caffe, New York City; February 14 - March 15, 1991

● Drawings at National Academy of Fine Arts, New York City; June 1990 and November 1989; student exhibition

● Distinguished Alumni Exhibition at Macy Gallery, Columbia University; February 1990

● Mythology at Manhattan Graphics Center, New York City; Winter 1989

● Women in the Arts Exhibition at Teachers College, Columbia University, New York City; Spring 1989

● Wallengren U.S.A., Thompson Street, New York City; 1986

● Hand In Hand Gallery, East Broadway, New York City; 1985

● Printers at Columbia at Macy Art Gallery, Columbia University, New York; 1984

● Trilogy at Ferris Booth Hall, Columbia University, New York City; 1983; three-person show: paintings, prints, and artist’s books

● Nexus Doorways Exhibition at Ferris Booth Hall, Columbia University School of Architecture; New York City, 1982

● MacIntosh Winter Festival, Barnard College; 1982 and 1981


MANZANO DAY SCHOOL, Albuquerque, New Mexico

Visual Arts Teacher, Grades 2, 3, 4, and 5, August 1993 – Present

● Developed and teach brain-based, multidisciplinary visual arts curriculum integrating science, math, technology, language arts, history, geography, social studies, theater, and music, and developed a Native American art study strand that runs through grades 2-5.

● Students have won awards yearly since 1993 from the International Children’s Art Exhibition in Japan (including a Supreme Gold Award winner in 2005), the New Mexico State Fair, New Mexico Expo, and more.

● Additional responsibilities have included:

○ Teaching grant-writing for teachers; assist in compiling and completing grant applications.

○ Working with the Office of Advancement seeking, writing, and winning grants for school-wide projects including capital campaign, construction, literacy, science, diversity, scholarships, professional development, and more. Funding opportunities have included Albuquerque Community Foundation, State Farm, Kresge Foundation, Mott Foundation, McDonough Foundation.

○ Developed and taught professional development program focusing on grant seeking and writing for Admin, faculty, and staff.

HIGH DESERT FLAMEWORKS GLASS CAMP, Co-founder with Rashan O. Jones, 2015

● Teach children, teenagers, and adults fused soft-glass and boro-flameworking techniques.

BOSQUE SCHOOL, Painter’s Studio for students in grades 1 - 8, Summer 2015

UNIVERSITY OF NEW MEXICO, College of Education, Art and Art Education, Albuquerque, New Mexico

Part-Time Instructor, Fall 2009 and 2008, Spring 2006, curriculum advisement, mentor teacher, teaching; mentor teacher/student teacher supervisor Spring 2000 - Fall 2014

● Fall 2009: Drawing, Painting, and Collage, Instructor.

● Fall 2008: Redesigned, rewrote, and taught ArtEd 430/530 Studio Teaching in the Schools: Painting and Collage to include Eric Jensen’s and Dr. Daniel Amen’s brain-based teaching and learning methods, Grant Wiggins’ “Understanding by Design” curriculum development, Robert Marzano’s normative and formative assessment strategies, Howard Gardner’s MI and DI research at Project Zero, Michael Thompson and Michael Gurian gender and learning studies, Carol Ann Tomlinson on differentiated instruction and multicultural curriculum development.

● Fall 2006: Redesigned, rewrote, and taught Studio Teaching in the Schools: Elementary Education to include Eric Jensen’s and Dr. Daniel Amen’s brain-based teaching and learning methods, Grant Wiggins’ “Understanding by Design” curriculum development, Howard Gardner’s MI and DI research, Michael Thompson and Michael Gurian gender and learning studies, Carol Ann Tomlinson on differentiated instruction and multicultural curriculum development.

● Mentor graduate students/student teachers 2000 – Present


Spring 2008 - February 2012

● Governing Council, Vice-President and Acting President

● Advisor

● Grant writer


Art Teacher, Grades 1 – 12, September 1986 – June 1993

● Helped to develop and teach spiraling, multicultural visual arts curriculum for Grades 1-12.

● Worked with students to develop visual arts portfolios for college applications.

● Consulted with teachers to improve grant applications.


Art Teacher, Grades 1 – 12, September 1983 – June 1986

● Compiled information and wrote one-page narratives on graduating seniors.

● Wrote “Work of the Year” manuals documenting all units and lessons taught.


Assistant Teacher, Visual Arts, December 1982 - June 1983

● Taught 7th and 8th grade electives in art history and visual arts.

OFFICE OF TIBET, New York, New York

Part-time Assistant to the Representative, Rinchen Dharlo, September 1987 – June 1992

Part-time Assistant to Tibet Fund Director, Tenzing Chhodak, June 1998 – June 1993

● Wrote grants, speeches, press releases, and articles.

● Assisted in the placement and supervision of Tibetan Fulbright students; wrote grants to acquire additional funding for Tibetan Fulbright students.

● Proofread copy for publications.

● Helped to develop a program providing educational funding, placement, and support of Tibetan students in the United States.

AMERICAN SCHOOL, Tokyo, Cho-fu-shi, Japan

5th Grade Teacher, Summer 1986


Instructor, Summer 1984


Assistant to the Curator of Artists Books, May Castleberry, January 1981 – December 1982



● Ed.D. in College Teaching of an Academic Subject, Department of the Arts in Education, specializing in Art and Education, May 1987, Prof. Maxine Green, Emeritus, Sponsor

● Ed.M., Art and Education, May 1985

● M.A., Art and Art Education, May 1984

BARNARD COLLEGE, New York City, New York

● B.A., Religion, May 1982; concentration in East Asian Studies

UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT SAN DIEGO, La Jolla, CA: Sept. 1978 - Dec. 1979, Prof. Alan Kaprow, Advisor

● Visual Arts, concentration in Painting and Film

COLLEGE OF SANTA FE, Fine Arts Program, New Mexico, September 1995

● Studied painting with Joan Snyder

CORCORAN SCHOOL OF ART, Washington, DC: Painting, Summer 1979

● Studied painting with Judy Pfaff


● Manzano Day School Teacher Fellowship Award: Wheels of Courage for Beads of Courage, 2016-2017

● 2015 Voya Unsung Heroes Grant, $2000, Wonders of Glass

● 2010 Toyota TAPESTRY Grant, Large Grant Winner ($10,000): The Wonder of Glass

● 2010 Toshiba America Foundation Grant, $1000

● 2010 PNM Energy Exploration Grant, $2000

● 2010 ASM Materials Education Foundation Teacher Grant, $500

● 2010 Manzano Day School Summer Study Grant: Lampworking

● PNM 2009 Energy Innovation Grant: The Energy Art Movement

● Picturing America Award, an initiative of the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH), conducted in cooperation with the American Library Association (ALA)

● 2008 Manzano Day School Summer Study Grant: Middle Eastern Glass and Silver Traditions

● PNM 2008 Classroom Innovation Grant: The Chihuly Challenge: The Art and Science of Audacity

● 2007 British Petroleum “A+ For Energy” grant: Timeline Tiles: A Public and Private Art Project Composed From Energy, Heat, and Glass for School-wide Learning

● PNM 2007 Classroom Innovation Grant: Hope and Compassion: Holocaust Studies Through the Arts

● Golden Apple Award Nominee, 2007

● PNM 2005 Classroom Innovation Grant: Putting Art in Motion: Kinetics, Automata, and Mechanical Sculptures

● PNM 2004 Classroom Innovation Grant: Turning Ourselves Around On Purpose

● YWCA Women on the Move, Nominee, final award to be announced on April 1, 2004

● Who’s Who Among America’s Teachers, top 5%